Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Here I am...

Life has taken me to places unimaginable lately...

I am learning so much about this culture...so much about my country in contrast... so much about myself wrapped up between the 2 countries...not to mention my beautiful daughter whom is teaching me to be a mama in Japan ...its a challenge to believe the fact that in March I left America 2yrs ago...how time flys...how far I have come...how much further I have to go...

Literally everyday I am meeting somebody new...I am watching what I say..how I feel..being more conscious than maybe I feel I've ever been in my lifetime..

As we slowly make this new shift into 2009...the Sun currently slides into Capricorn (my birth sign) I slip into being 36 yrs of age in 2009...The 2nd New Moon from the Winter Solstice brings us into the year of the OX according to the Chinese New Year Calendar...which is my year in the Chinese Zodiac..if we are paying attention to such things...

The year of the OX brings us into a time of Hard Work...pay attention...dont complain..just work..and deal with it...we are facing alot of new changes within the coming year...we are moving forth with a new President of the United States ...feel it..live it...and have Gamen (patience in Japanese culture) ....

These words I speak...these words I write are only words...my test is to live them everyday...and this is a true test...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ninas 1st Birthday

Ninas first bite of cake!

Well Nina is 1 year old now! its totally amazing how fast it goes...
I remember when everyone told me that she will grow so fast! and its
I had a birthday party for her and it was soooo much fun..ill post a few
more pics of it all...we had games and tons of food...its a lasting memory
for sure

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Wine Festival in Japan

So I woke up at about 7am Sunday November 16th for the Annual Coco Farm Wine Festival. This is something I had been planning to go to for a year now...it was raining out! what to do what to do...hmmmmmm
So texting my friend back and forth trying to decide what to do..what time we should hop on the train..or if we should go at all...hmmmm OK! plan set we are getting on the train at 9:30am...arriving in Ashiga Japan at 11am with my friends Tawny and Maki...it was a beautiful ride out to the Vineyard...amazing!
You pay a total of 26.00 for a roundtrip bus ride to the vineyard from the train station and back....you get a wine glass with the name of the winery on it...a bottle of really good wine..your choice..red..white or blush...we ended up tryin all of them...they were all fantastic! you get a little pin that has the name of the winery on it and when you were there and a corkscrew with the name of the winery on it as well...we happen to be there for their 25th anniversary wine festival...we walked thru alot of mud....alot of beautiful forest...to come to an open Vineyard with great music...great people...and a whole lot of fun in the rain....we put our tarp on the ground...we made a tent with the second tarp...we sat ....we Kampaii! Cheers! and we drank...starting at 12 noon exactly...and then we drank and drank...soon Maki was quite drunk..I was off taking photos and shopping while Tawny sat and watched it all happen around her...as she drank...by the end we had 5 empty bottles..mind you we did share with our neighbors...we ate some good food..(that I made) hehehe...by 3pm it was time to go....and try getting 3 drunk girls in the rain..muddy...to organize themselves with 2 tarps and a bunch of what nots that we or maybe "I" collected thru the afternoon on a bus and to a train and home....oh dear this was a mess...I wont go into detail...but lets just say it all took alot longer than needed...in the end it was a blast!!!! Im ready for next year...but now I know what to do and what not to do...hehhee...so next year November 16th..is a great time to come visit me in Japan...experience something yummy..and beautiful...with great people in Japan....

Thursday, November 6, 2008

America Lets Focus

I woke this morning wondering ...what will happen today..its November 5th here in Japan..but in America it is November 4th 2008 and on this day the people of America have elected a new man for president and the man that won is a strong man...an inspiring man...a smart man...and in the history of America we have never had an African American elected for President...so yes history has been made today...

At times I feel that the fact that a black man has been elected is the focus ...but its not...I would have voted for this man no matter what color..purple..pink..blue..green..the truth is ..is that Obama is real...he is real...

I have never felt so strongly for any election...I was and I will admit it ...giving up on America in the last 8 yrs...its been terrible..I mean the current administration has ruined our beautiful country and today we stood tall and took it back!

Some people I know are not so pleased with todays results...but really now look at the landslide that occured today...its totally insane ( in a good way)...history has been made in so many ways...people that have not voted EVER...or in a VERY long time...got up and VOTED! WHY??? because we care...we love our country..and we have watched it go to the shits ......

Now lets be clear...Obama is not our saviour..he is a step in the right direction...why do I feel this because for one..he has inspired so many people all over this world...watch the tv...this is not just America people..its worldly! The energy that I have felt today has never happened to me thru any presidential election..Obama has many many strong people supporting him..

He can not make these CHANGES by himself people..its all of us...so wake up...its time to change that person you look at every morning in the mirror YOU!

You took your first baby step by getting out of bed this morning and Voting! so now...lets do it people...


put the guns down....stop buying video games for your children and start creating a library of books in your house for those little ones you chose to have...love the people around you...stop supporting the war ( i mean really its not going anywhere) ...start supporting small businesses...start believing that you can have an affordable healthcare and get out there and speak your mind...I really feel that OBAMA will listen to us...he is real...he is a new generation in the office...he has inspired every generation today...

Lets see what we can do as the people...just look and see what we did today...it was pretty powerful...i mean really it really was...

I am so far...but so close to all of you today and will be...Yes this makes me wanna get on a plane and move back home today...but lets be clear ....Obama has a mess to clean up...this will take a looooooooooonnnnnggggg time....but at least we are going in the right direction..I am relieved...I feel like I can breathe again...I can believe again...


Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I went to my hair salon yesterday...I dont have any photos of my hair yet...but it looks great...
I have a really great hairdresser...which is hard to come by in any country but I had the task in finding someone that has cut nonjapanese hair...
I found my hairdresser over a year ago and he rocks!

My experience at my salon is perfect...I love a few little things they do that I never experienced in the states..
Like when they wash my hair they let me pick out an aromashampoo..i always pick invigorating mint...Now when they are about to wash my hair they put a tissue over my face so I dont have to look up the guys nose...oh I am so happy for this! I always hated to get my hair washed at a salon cuz I always had to look up at them or their armpit was in my face and well...you know...
They always serve me kohii(coffee) or ocha(tea) I can watch a movie on my own dvd player while my highlights are lightening...
And they always give me a fantastic neck and shoulder massage...

I am trying to come up with another reason as to why I want my husband to send me to the salon...like tomorrow ...but since he is paying for it I feel I should take it easy on him:)

Well soon new hair pics!

Friday, September 19, 2008

My life in Japan

Seeing thru the cracks...my I have been living in Japan for almost 19 months now...
Theres so much to say...but I will let you enter my blog world one moment at a time...not every blog will explain each day...each month...each year...but I have to start somewhere and I will tell you what I know...what I have learned in this country...perhaps not about this country...about me...about my life in this country...this is the beginning of a new life deep inside me...a new me perhaps...a choice I have made to make the changes needed to make my light shine for you to see...
Check back for updates about this life...


The change of seasons...
The change within my life...
If we dont make a difference what will happen to our children?
I look into my daughters eyes and wonder what will this planet be in 20yrs time?
She will be 20yrs old...what will she see? how will she be living? will earth be alive?
What are we doing? do we even see the big picture? some of us do...many of us don't...
What does this mean for the future of our children?