So I woke up at about 7am Sunday November 16th for the Annual Coco Farm Wine Festival. This is something I had been planning to go to for a year was raining out! what to do what to do...hmmmmmm
So texting my friend back and forth trying to decide what to do..what time we should hop on the train..or if we should go at all...hmmmm OK! plan set we are getting on the train at 9:30am...arriving in Ashiga Japan at 11am with my friends Tawny and was a beautiful ride out to the Vineyard...amazing!
You pay a total of 26.00 for a roundtrip bus ride to the vineyard from the train station and get a wine glass with the name of the winery on it...a bottle of really good wine..your or blush...we ended up tryin all of them...they were all fantastic! you get a little pin that has the name of the winery on it and when you were there and a corkscrew with the name of the winery on it as well...we happen to be there for their 25th anniversary wine festival...we walked thru alot of mud....alot of beautiful come to an open Vineyard with great music...great people...and a whole lot of fun in the rain....we put our tarp on the ground...we made a tent with the second tarp...we sat ....we Kampaii! Cheers! and we drank...starting at 12 noon exactly...and then we drank and drank...soon Maki was quite drunk..I was off taking photos and shopping while Tawny sat and watched it all happen around she the end we had 5 empty bottles..mind you we did share with our neighbors...we ate some good food..(that I made) 3pm it was time to go....and try getting 3 drunk girls in the organize themselves with 2 tarps and a bunch of what nots that we or maybe "I" collected thru the afternoon on a bus and to a train and home....oh dear this was a mess...I wont go into detail...but lets just say it all took alot longer than the end it was a blast!!!! Im ready for next year...but now I know what to do and what not to next year November a great time to come visit me in Japan...experience something yummy..and beautiful...with great people in Japan....