Namaste my friends...
As I check into my blog months later since my last post, I realize that every season brings on new realizations...
Recently, I went back to the United States to see my grandmother that had fallen ill, she is 90 years old now. My journey to see her was truly amazing. I stayed at my aunt and uncles house for 3 days and my father flew in from the South to see grandma as well. It felt so good to be around my family in America! I had a good amount of quality time with my grandmother, we chatted about life past to present. I had a chance to share my photos with her and she shared her photos with me from her past. It was so much fun and such a priceless memory, I feel so blessed to have been able to fly in and spend this time with her. I am and always have been very very close to my grandmother.
After, my time with family I spent a few days in Milwaukee Wisconsin with a few of my closest friends. This showed me that no matter how long or how far I am from these people that we can connect as if we live right next door to each other. This my friends is true friendship...true sisterhood.
During my time in America I had my own ups and downs about being in America and living in Japan..I had found myself comparing the two..tho there really is no reason to do such a thing because they are totally two different types of cultures..silly me. While in America I missed family and certain people in Japan, I was excited to get back to see everyone and share what I had learned on this amazing journey overseas.
As the weeks passed being back in Japan felt a bit empty, like I was given the chance to see everything from a distance when I was in America and then coming back to it all was not exactly how I saw it...slightly difficult to put into words at this very moment...but I knew something or perhaps alot of things had to change in my life.
I believe that we all cause our own suffering in this life. This could be from the choices we make...perhaps the way we live..the people we chose to be friends with..the way we act or react to situations.
So, with the realization that I had to be the one to change the situations that were causing me to feel not so good, putting me in a negative space...it was time to make some big transitions...
Though I am not happy that my grandmother got ill, something inside of me is telling me that she was protecting me...
My grandmother was a protector in my life, she has unconditional love for me..
I am so thankful that I went to America and came back to make some very truthful important decisions with my life.
I am very excited to get started on my dreams. With 2010 coming up fast I have already put into motion what I will be doing.
In 2010 I will begin my Mandala Facilitator Teacher Training program with Judith Cornell (google her).
My husband and I will be going to a far land to vacation. The rest...going with the flow...
As always thank you for stopping by and reading my blog.
May all of your dreams come true...