Simply...I am not done blogging tonight...
A few decisions I have made for the new year ahead..
I will spend time with people that really value me...
I will spend time with women and men where conversations
generate brilliance...
I will walk away from the negative humans...
I will embrace the beauty of the positive..inspiring humans...
I will work on my patience..my love in my relationship with the
man I have chosen to live with in this new environment...
I have opened my eyes and my mind to new and great opportunities that surround me...
I am a teacher and a student everyday of my life...
I will shed the old skin and grow the new skin...
I will become the strength I have gained...I can handle anything ...
I will live my truth...
I will see beauty in things that may not be beauty to others...
I will photograph the light that catches my eyes and keep it inside until
it is meant to blossom...
I will love
I will live love and power..
I will use my power with love...
I will live in confidence...
I will dance more...
I will make the changes that are needed to become who I truly am...
Don't bother if you intend on bringing drama or negativity into my world..
Im not interested...
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