Life tends to hand us so much at times...our society forces us to be robotic in our daily lives....wake up..go to work..take care of the children...cook dinner...etc...correct? for most of us at least...
In the mess of societies ways a women tends to lose her true essence at times...Since moving to Japan not only have I lost myself in translation, I have lost my femininity...I lost love for me...I had a baby and lost my fly figure...I started working part-time as an english teacher..(which is so NOT what I want to be doing)...I lost the reason I fell in love with my husband...and I constantly ignore the mirrors around my house...I lost love..and if you don't love yourself how do you expect to love other's or have other's love and respect you? impossible!
So, I decided to take a women's workshop in Oyama was taught by a wonderful woman named Sarah-Shivani you can go to her website and find so much to be inspired about...and join her workshops because they are blissful...the website is
Before I strolled into the Lotus Yoga Studio (which is also totally beautiful and inspiring) I felt like a stranger to myself..I was so depressed about who I am ...the things that I do in Japan are so not me (well not all things) but I am more than a wife and a mother I am an artist I am a dancer I am who I am...
After Sarah's class I felt so strong...I stared into my eyes for what seemed to be an eternity for me today...I never take that much time to look inside my eyes to see the beauty that reflects back at me...I noticed how beautiful my eyes important I am in this society...Perhaps I even found my calling so to speak in Japan, since I want to do so much here but can never pinpoint what I really want to do...but today was different.
I have to take the time to love this body..this mind..this spirit that the great spirit has blessed me with...I have much to do on this time to waste..but always time to stop and look in the mirror to touch myself with feel my womanly see my goddessness..To realize that not only am I a painter...a installation who draws other people or objects ..that I am the art...I am a woman and being a woman is all about art...we are complex like a color wheel..we can not be judged...why would anyone judge art? art is an expression and women are an expression of love..we are like the sea we are calm ...we are strong..we create waves..we flow with the moon cycles...why would anyone want to mess with us? why would anyone want to suppress our womenly arts? such nonsense! we must be strong like the the earth...we must find our grounding center and take the time to be with ourselves to love ourselves...this is the greatest art form alive...
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