Time to clean up! and let go! 2009 is over...from season to season I will briefly review the last year of my life...
Winter 2009 ...seems so far away now..tho the year also seemed to fly by...by the time January/February 2009 came around my daughter had mastered the art of walking...she fell in love with the concept of stairs..she began to show love and my 13yr old cat(at the time) helped my daughter show love, she adored him so much! everything was a huge discovery. In January the sun comes around for me again and it is my birthday..I turned 36yrs old in 2009..I always enjoyed having my birthday fall a week after New Years...It's like we have all these holidays and parties in December and then it all ends and everyone faces the cold days ahead till the flowers start blooming..but wait it's my birthday so let's keep the celebration alive in January...Winter no matter what year it is in Japan its time for visits to the onsens(hot springs) for some serious relaxation...after my birthday and some onsening the reality of saving money set in for our big honeymoon to the Maldives...at the end of March we flew off to the Maldives for 8 days...

And paradise it was...seriously the most amazing and the most expensive (lol) place I have every been to in my life...we will go back again one day...we both fell in love again...
Spring 2009
The days are getting warmer and lighter and lighter for longer and longer...spring has arrived and my baby girl is growing and talking more and more each day...
After returning from the Maldives alot of new things opened up for me...I helped open a new school for the company I was working for..it was a challenge I was not expecting...I went to an amazing womens workshop with Shivani in the springtime, it was an amazing experience and it helped me believe that Japan does have the spiritual life I am so deeply in love with..that is just being..being a woman..being in love with the self..spreading the love to all and living life the way I dream of living my life..thank you Shivani...http://www.livingshizen.com/
Soon I started a new project called mint...yet another unexpected challenge yet a beautiful learning experience ...
Summer 2009

Ahhh the summer of fresh veggies...blowing bubbles in the yard with my Nina..working hard on mint and at my english teaching job...constantly in the yard with dirt..veggies...herbs..veggie bbq parties..a glass of chilled pino...and raw fruit pies! so much fun and so much YUM! love love love...
Fall 2009

Mandala work...I started an online mandala class with Rajita Sivananda(Judith Cornell)http://www.mandala-universe.com/welcome.html
amazing class..has helped me make alot of decisions for the new year...
The colors are so vibrant! fall is my most favorite time of the year!
I went to America in the fall..to see my grandmother..my father and aunt and uncle..I even had some time to see some of my amazing friends..what a total blessing!
I was also lucky enough to get to see an Andy Warhol exhibit in Milwaukee! loved it!
Fall was so busy and so awesome in so many ways...It seemed that the fall brought alot of truth my way...I learned so much! I also met another amazing woman in Japan...Deanne! from Hooplovers..http://www.hooplovers.com/
This is when I fell in love with hula hooping!
A week later I went to the midwest in America to see family and friends...I love getting out of Japan! lol! I really have a love/strongly dislike relationship with Japan and in order to keep my head straight I must leave Japan a few times a year... This time when I left for about a week and alot really opened up for me..I was seeing everything from a distance and it all looked very very different...
When I came back to Japan I let go of what seems like many things..mint for one..a beautiful project yet was not the right one for me in this lifetime..a wonderful learning experience..thank you to all involved with the project..I had to let go of friendships..and a job that was just not working for me...it was simply time to move on...so thankful for all of it because it really taught me alot about who I am and what I am capable of doing..
And back to Winter 2009..a full circle..

My amazing daughter turned 2yrs old!
The last day of 2009 it finally snowed..little tiny snowballs
And here we are with our 2nd full moon in December known as the blue moon
2009 and all that came into my life and left my life...what a true lesson..a true blissful blessing!
I am so very excited to start all my new projects and accomplish my dreams in 2010!
New books to start reading..New job to start teaching and so much more..thank you so much for each and everyone of you..you all inspire me in someway..much love respect..peace ..unity